Paper and Pulp
The paper and pulp industries face the challenge of maintaining oxygen levels in aeration ponds. As a result, these plants incur high costs from the aeration of discharge water. Since cooling is not the primary objective of aerators, the warmer water in the pond is unable to absorb the same amount of oxygen as cooler water. Aerators only contact water immediately surrounding the aerator, so most of the water in aeration ponds does not benefit from contact with aerators. Additionally, decreased oxygen levels in ponds often have very adverse environmental impacts. Therefore, it is critical that plants consider cost, durability, specific application, and ease of service when updating the ponds with new and improved technology.
GCT designs have been used and proven since 2009 in wastewater applications with consistent results. Our technology introduces oxygen into wastewater ponds by sending the entire flow of the plant through the cooling towers. This cools and aerates the pond, while also evaporating up to 3.5 % of the wastewater. The cooling effect from GCT allows the water to hold more dissolved oxygen throughout the wastewater ponds. The drop in temperature can increase oxygen levels from approximately 5.6mg/l to 7.2mg/l. The GCT cooling tower can ensure maximum dissolved oxygen as high as 7.8mg/l with 85°F cold water during extreme summer months compared with unregulated cold water using aerators. Cold water is then returned into the system, in this case, the wastewater ponds or river discharge.